Kevin bought Robbie this truck. He can sit on hit or we can move the seat to a verticle position so he can walk behind it. He is walking like crazy with it - he pulls himself up and just take off. He is starting to let go and can now stand for a few seconds before he falls. It won't be long now before he is walking!

I am not sure if it is just Robbie or all kids but he is fascinated with these door stoppers. He plays with them constantly and always pulls them out of the wall. Every room he goes into he pulls the door back to look for these. We were concerned about him chocking on the white tips so we removed them but then I put a dent in a wall so Kevin put them back in!

Kevin also bought this blow up pool for Robbie. He loves the water. He was so excited to splash and play.

Splish splash . . . see the water on his face?

Mommy, is this the drawer you told me not to get into? See how long his hair is??? Yikes!