Well, we are five days past our due date and so anxious for him to make his arrival. We meet with our doctor tomorrow and will schedule a day to be induced - it will be either the 1st, 2nd or 3rd. At least that is what the last doctor told us, but who knows what tomorrow's doctor will say - they never seem to have the same opinion! As soon as we have a confirmed date, I will be sure to let everyone know. My guess is the little stinker will send me into labor the night before I am scheduled to be induced. I told Kevin that if this stubborness is any indication of what his personality is going to be like, we are in TROUBLE!
A few of you have indicated that you will be in town this weekend to visit family members. Please do not let this keep you from visiting Kevin and I as well!!! If we are still in the hospital, we would love to see you and your new babies (Carter and Jackson) and if we are home we would love to have you stop in to say hello. We just appreciate you working around this crazy schedule!
September 29, 2008
September 24, 2008
OK, so today is "D-Day" (due date). I am at work, trying to stay focused, wearing a HUGE dress to fit my belly and flip flops. That is right, I am wearing flip flops. I feel for the dummy who says anything to me about it today! I am actually not in a bad mood, just thought it would be funny to sound that way! I am disappointed, but I know that this can't last forever and he will come in his time. Today is my dad's birthday and I hate that he can't share it with his grandson, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
Kevin and I keep waking up in the middle of the night to check if my water has broken or if I am having contractions. We are both just so excited and cannot wait to meet our son. I can't wait to put pictures of him up on this site instead of trying to fill it with ones of Kevin and I - which I know that none of you want to see!
Kevin and I were laughing that after my hospital stay we were warned that he would most likely be born early and now here is he being stubborn and showing the doctors just how wrong they were! Well, I hope you all have a great day and keep your fingers crossed that the little guy decides to make an introduction soon.
Kevin and I keep waking up in the middle of the night to check if my water has broken or if I am having contractions. We are both just so excited and cannot wait to meet our son. I can't wait to put pictures of him up on this site instead of trying to fill it with ones of Kevin and I - which I know that none of you want to see!
Kevin and I were laughing that after my hospital stay we were warned that he would most likely be born early and now here is he being stubborn and showing the doctors just how wrong they were! Well, I hope you all have a great day and keep your fingers crossed that the little guy decides to make an introduction soon.
September 19, 2008
China / Olympics
Old Pictures

In preparation for the trip to the hospital, I downloaded the old pictures on our camera onto the computer so we had an empty camera for the hospital pictures. Well, I guess it has been quite a while since I have done this because I found pictures of our honeymoon (Jun '07 - that's more than a year!!!), my trip to China (Apr '08), my last birthday (Mar '08) and the first "belly pictures" we took during the pregnancy. I thought I would share some of these old pictures . . .
September 16, 2008
More Preggers/Baby Room Pictures
On Sunday evening a good girlfriend and her new hubby came over for dinner. I asked her to take a couple of pictures of Kevin and I together. She is still working on sending me all of the pictures, but she did send this one. Kevin was "super thrilled" to pose for these pictures, especially since I did not tell him about it until the last minute, literally! But I had no pictures of Kevin and I together with my big belly, just of me. Plus I really wanted to get a picture of Kevin "talking" to my belly (this picture is not ready yet but I will post as soon as I get it). From the very beginning of my pregnancy, Kevin has "talked" to my belly. It is really quite amazing. As soon as little "peanut" hears Kevin's voice he will start moving over in that direction and he will "kick" at the exact place that Kevin is speaking to. It has provided some very memorable moments for us during this pregnancy and I really wanted to capture it on photo. Of course Kevin felt pretty silly doing this in front of our friends, but I think in the end he will appreciate it!
On another note, I went to the doctor yesterday for my check up and he told me that I was 70% effaced and barely 1 cm dialated. I was so devastated because I felt like he condemned me to another nine months of pregnancy, but at least I know where I am and I know that it will not be long before I get to meet my new little man. I will keep you all posted!
September 12, 2008
September 10, 2008
Getting Close
Yesterday I started having contractions again at around 3:00 pm. Kevin and I happened to be in the doctors office when they started. He gave me instructions on when to go to the hospital and sent us on our merry way. We went home and Kevin resumed his studies (he has 4 tests today before his national boards on Friday and Saturday!!!) and I made baked ziti for dinner and then made enough to put into the freezer for "after delivery" dinners. I also made fat free muffins for breakfast and prepared dinner for tonight so all I had to do was start the crockpot in the morning. After dinner Kevin went back to studying and I cleaned up the enormous mess I made in the kitchen. This whole time I was experiencing contractions with some discomfort. I was afraid to really mention it to Kevin because I didn't know if it was real or false and I wanted him to study. All night long I had contractions and starting about 4:45 this morning they started to get uncomfortable again and spaced about 10 minutes apart. I was thinking that "this was it" but still didn't want to tell Kevin because he had been up since 4:00 am studying for his tests and I didn't want him to stop if they weren't real. I got ready for work and somehow during the shower, breakfast and drive to work the contractions just simply went away! Can you believe this??? I am actually thankful because I want Kevin to get through his tests, but man it is so frustrating to think that you might meet your son today just to get disappointed that it was just your body practicing again! One day soon I will be able to tell you all about his arrival, but until then I will just keep getting excited for the practices!
September 8, 2008
I spent a couple of hours downloading our wedding, honeymoon and recent "preggers" and baby room photos onto the computer so I could upload some of them to the blog, but I had some complications with the wedding photos and before I could finish Kevin needed the computer to study for his national boards. I guess that is probably more important than this blog :) I will get some photos up so all of you who are asking to see my big fat belly can have a laugh . . . but I have to say that Kevin's cousin Brooke looked much bigger than me! Of course it is because she is super skinny with tiny hips - the baby had no where to go but out! My little guy has some hips to hide in between :(
My pregnancy has really been great, no complaints here. Everyone kept telling me how terrible the last few weeks are (then again, I could go two weeks late and then I will be complaining!), but I really can't complain much. A few aches and pains and some difficulty getting around, but I feel fantastic. Kevin and I are just so anxious to get him home . . . everything is set up and ready to go, we are just waiting on him to decide that it is time!
I can't wait to share pictures of my little guy with all of you! I think that he is going to be the spitting image of Kevin, but I am happy with that . . . my husband is a hottie!
My pregnancy has really been great, no complaints here. Everyone kept telling me how terrible the last few weeks are (then again, I could go two weeks late and then I will be complaining!), but I really can't complain much. A few aches and pains and some difficulty getting around, but I feel fantastic. Kevin and I are just so anxious to get him home . . . everything is set up and ready to go, we are just waiting on him to decide that it is time!
I can't wait to share pictures of my little guy with all of you! I think that he is going to be the spitting image of Kevin, but I am happy with that . . . my husband is a hottie!
September 4, 2008
Lazy Evening
OK "ya'll" (my yankee friends and family will get a kick out of that) . . . I have a confession . . . last night I came home from work all stressed out. I made stuffed pork chops and green bean casserole (a staple in Iowa dinners) then cleaned up and did some laundry. I had plenty of time after that to finish up my editing on this site, but since I was still stressed I crashed on the couch instead and read a parenting magazine. I promise to take some time to get this done, but in the meantime "pardon my mess"!
September 2, 2008
First Blog
After much prodding I finally started a blog. I thought I better get it set up before the baby gets here so I can post pictures of him! I hope all our friends and family find this site helpful in keeping in touch!
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