Well, it was inevitable. Robbie caught his first cold at daycare. Kevin and I also got sick so we have been a little miserable the last couple of days. I had to learn another lesson the hard way . . . I assumed that when kids are sick they will probably just want to sleep a lot, kind of like adults. But oh no . . . sad misleading assumption . . . Robbie has been waking up around two in the morning for the last three or four mornings and will not go back to sleep. He only takes a few short naps during the day too, so I have no idea how he is doing it. He has been really fussy and whining - actually that is an understatement - and wanting to nurse non-stop. Needless to say, I can see why parents are so scared of the daycare germs!
We are planning on going to our good friends, the Kline's, for New Years Eve, so I am praying that we don't give this cold to them - they have two small children and really don't need any more colds! Since it has been so unusually warm here (in the high sixties and low seventies) we are planning on grilling steaks for our New Years dinner. I hate to brag about this to my snow bound yankee friends and family, but I just had to spread the good news!
Also, for those of you that keep up with Facebook, I wanted to post on here that I no longer have access to that account. Kevin and I finally took the plunge to cancel our internet and extended cable package and my work does not allow access to that site, so unfortunately I will only have access to this site now. And as soon as our computer gets fixed at home (we shipped it off weeks ago but it has not been returned yet) I will be able to post more pictures.
I am wishing you all a very happy and joyous New Years and look forward to keeping in touch in 2009!
December 30, 2008
December 22, 2008
Robbie's First Santa Visit

Kevin and I have attempted to see the Santa at the mall on three separate occassions now. On all three occassios we have waited in line (once for 5 minutes and twice for about 15 - 20 minutes) just to be told that they are cutting off the line in front of us and to please come back. Yesterday it was the last straw. I happened to remember that the wonderful owners of the Pelham Road Schlotzsky's Deli had Santa come in for a few hours. They took pictures, printed and emailed them for free. They also provide gingerbread and sugar cookies as well as drinks. Kevin and I were so blessed to meet this wonderful couple - and their in-laws and are very thankful for the wonderful experience. Santa told us that his good friend the Easter Bunny will also be visiting. We will not be using the mall ever again!
Robbie did very well with Santa, as expected at this age. He gave Kevin and I his famous, "what the heck is going on" face, but he just went with the flow. I imagine that next year will be a little different, but I plan on taking this photo out next year and showing it to Robbie. I want to let him see that he already knows Santa and has already sat on his lap - we will see if it works. If not, we will have a fabulously funny picture of Robbie screaming on Santa's lap!
November 30, 2008
Feetie Pajamas
Mommy and Robbie wearing their favorite feetie pajamas. I shouldn't even share this embarrassing photo - but it was too funny to pass up! We spent the whole day just lounging around the house recovering from the weekend. All of our Christmas decor is up and we are ready to enjoy a warm fire and watch a Christmas movie with the Christmas tree lights on!

Robbie and his Granny! Isn't she a looker??? Trust me, Granny has more energy than anyone I know! She made such delicious meals for the entire weekend and words can't even describe how good they all were! I even had the opportunity to have her famous "Maggie's" dressing!

Robbie and his Granny. This was actually such a funny moment. Robbie was getting fussy so Granny picked him up and sat down in her chair. Robbie was making little noises and cooing and Granny just kept talking to him telling him "I know, I understand, life is hard isnt' it?" and as soon as she would say that he would fuss a little and coo. It was like they were having their own little conversation . . . so adorable!
The Robert Craven Lewises

Robert Craven Lewis, Sr, Robert Craven Lewis, Jr and Robert Craven Lewis, III. Are they lookers or what???

Four generations of Lewis boys. I couldn't have been happier to see them together. It was a very special visit.
Oh, and I am proud to say that I figured out how to post pictures and then put a message underneath . . . oh ok, know me too well. I had to ask Kevin and within about a minute he figured it out! I had been trying to figure it out for weeks! I hate it when that happens!
Dad and Cheri's visit

November 25, 2008
Kevin, Robbie and I are headed out on our first road trip as a family. We leave tomorrow at noon to head down to Albany, GA to visit Kevin's grandparents (Robert Craven Senior!), aunts, uncles and cousins. We are so excited to take our first family trip and to visit with the Lewis Clan. I was hoping to upload some pictures before I left, but alas I got too busy again this week! I will have some neat pictures to share when we get back - especially the three Robert Craven's together. I am so honored to have my son named after two such wonderful, kind and generous men. I can only hope that he will not only share the name, but also the characteristics that make these men so precious to us. I also hope that Robbie can pick up on some of his Mommy's family traits too - well only the good ones . . . hopefully not the cussing on the Cosgrove side!
November 21, 2008
Busy busy bees . . .
I have some really cute pictures to upload, but I just can't seem to find the five minutes it takes to do it! Two weeks ago I had a dr. appt or some type of appt every day so the week was filled with lots of errands. Last week my dad and step mom were visiting and we just enjoyed every minute that we had with them. This week is my first week back at work and I am exhausted! Hopefully I will get a chance to upload the pictures this weekend or early next week.
Also, Kevin and I finally took the plunge to drop our cable down to the basic package. We have been wanting to do this for quite a while. We feel like we spend all of our extra time vegged out on the couch watching tv and we want to enjoy our family time and teach Robbie to be more active. The only problem is that we are losing our internet access at home as well - the stupid cable company increases their internet only package up the wazoo so we decided to drop it as well! I hope that this works out because I really want to instill good habits with our children - to spend family time together, to play outside, to exercise, to read, etc. I just hope that I don't miss my reruns too much, wink wink!
Also, Kevin and I finally took the plunge to drop our cable down to the basic package. We have been wanting to do this for quite a while. We feel like we spend all of our extra time vegged out on the couch watching tv and we want to enjoy our family time and teach Robbie to be more active. The only problem is that we are losing our internet access at home as well - the stupid cable company increases their internet only package up the wazoo so we decided to drop it as well! I hope that this works out because I really want to instill good habits with our children - to spend family time together, to play outside, to exercise, to read, etc. I just hope that I don't miss my reruns too much, wink wink!
November 7, 2008
Second photo shoot
November 5, 2008
My Poor Blogging Skills
To my bossy cousins up north . . . I have NO IDEA how to rotate the pictures otherwise I promise I would do it!!! :) We are lucky that I figured out how to upload them! I promise once I get back on my feet I will work on improving my blogging skills! Love you both!!! Oh and Maureen, I am so happy for your engagement. The ring is so gorgeous!
October 28, 2008
First Family Outing
Kevin, Robbie and I had our first family outing last Saturday. We headed downtown for a fun Halloween outdoor market. Kevin hated that I insisted Robbie wear his adorable Halloween outfit all day - but we got a lot of "oohs and ahhs" so I think it was well worth it. Here are so pictures from Robbie's first big day out!
October 22, 2008
Teddy, please help us sleep through the night!
Kevin and I bought this Teddy which makes "womb" noises to help our little man sleep through the night. Just in case it doesn't work, we did not take it out of the box. Well as you can see Robbie must love it because we put him far away from the box in his pack and play and he somehow managed to wiggle right up next to it!
The other picture is of the Iowa Hawkeye outfit that my dad and Cheri sent us. We will send pictures of him in it this weekend - thanks Grandpa Frank and Grandma Cheri!
October 21, 2008
I Love My Mummy
A good friend gave us this onzie for Robbie and I had to take a picture of my little monkey man wearing my new favorite onzie! Isn't he precious! Today we had our first play date with Robbie's future girlfriend - Ava Kline. She is the adorable 6 month old daughter of Kevin's and my good friends Tommy and Bridget. I don't have any good pictures though because Robbie slept through the entire play date!
October 20, 2008
2 Week Check-up
We had our two week check up today. Robbie weighs 7 lbs 15 oz (25%) and is 22 inches long (90%). He is very healthy and doing very well. We are getting better at breast feeding and we are still working on his uncanny ability to sleep all day and fuss all night! Nana Lewis came to the house today to help me out - I have NO IDEA what I would do without her!
Kevin and I plan on taking our first family outing this weekend - I will be sure to share pictures!!!
Kevin and I plan on taking our first family outing this weekend - I will be sure to share pictures!!!
October 18, 2008
Grandma Therese's Visit 2
I just love his fuzzy head of hair - we still can't believe how much there is. No matter what we do, it will not lay down - I was told by my mom that my hair was like that as a baby too.
Grandma Therese's Visit
My mom's visit was a God send for Kevin and I. We severly underestimated the difficulty in bringing home a new baby. For the first few days Kevin's mom "Nana" came down to help us and this saved our sanity. The third day my mom "Grandma Therese" came down for ten days. I feel terrible that her vacation was spent helping me nurse, change diapers, do laundry, run our errands and cook for us, but her assistance allowed Kevin and I to get some much needed sleep as well as learn to adjust to our new routine. We owe our mothers much love and appreciation.
Also, parenthood has allowed Kevin and I to once again realize just how much our parents love us and just how much they have done for us - we couldn't love and appreciate them more!
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